Friday 23 October 2015

Reviving Tupelo, Mississippi


Last week I had the privilege of traveling to Tupelo, MS to prophetic paint with Time to Revive. It was an incredible time. We experienced the Lord move in a mighty way. I love watching and being part of the body of Christ come together in unity. It is the most powerful thing to experience…not about one person, about one denomination or an event; it’s about the common core of our faith…Jesus.

The first night I arrived, I painted “Come to the Table”. I received this vision a few days before heading to Tupelo. As I was praying for the area, the Lord showed me a picture of an empty wooden table in a field. He said, “Come. Come to the table and bring nothing but yourself.” I felt the significance of the table being in a field. It was outside, in His kingdom not in a building. It's an invitation right in front of us, waiting for fellowship with the Spirit. As believers we carry the Kingdom wherever we go. Come to the table, just yourself. He prepares the table before you. Empty yourself so the Holy Spirit can move through you. Often times it’s not the way we think or want in our human flesh, the Lord has different plans – much better plans than what we come up with. Empty yourself from agenda’s, plans, meetings, “the way we do things” and just come with hunger for God to move. Let God be God.

The second day I was there, I kept seeing a mental picture of a door. There was this open door in the Spirit and all we have to do is open it and walk through. This requires action and obeidence.  The door represented different layers of openings. First the open door to those who meet Jesus for the first time. Scripture says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.” (Revelation 3:20) Jesus is waiting patiently, knocking at the door for salvation, forgiveness, freedom and life. This door is for every person who enters. The second layer I felt was for the Church to open the door of breakthrough of more in the Spirit. Cast out strongholds and step into a deeper level of breakthrough in the Spirit. The door of humility and unity. At the end of the day we all enter the Kingdom through the same door, the door of the simple Gospel.

The third night was so much fun. The day before I went to Elvis Presley’s childhood home. What a humbling site of small beginnings. Our worship leader, Jon and I had a wonderful discussion on worship that evening. I had a vision of black and white guitar exploding into color as it played. The Lord spoke to me about a breakthrough in the area of worship for the region. It was one of those “doors” for breakthrough. Reviving old roots of music, which is so strong to this area, it is the “birthplace of America’s music” after all.   The key was to worship in unity, let everything go and simply worship with one voice. That morning in prayer time, Kyle felt the Lord wanted to release an impartation of worship. Wow. As we worshiped I felt angels with fire dropping on all those who were open to receive a deeper level for the heart of worship. It was a morning I will never forget. A new sound. 

The fourth day I woke up with a violent stomach attack. It wasn’t very fun, but I rested through it and took the day to read the Word and pray for a word to paint that evening. In the later afternoon, I felt the urge to go outside for fresh air. I didn’t realize the door locked behind me, so I found myself locked out of the house. Before I panicked I felt the Lord had a reason for me to be out there…I was forced to sit outside in His presence. It was the most beautiful time I’ve had in a long time. I look around at my surroundings, a yard full of towering oak trees. They were magificent and huge. The Lord spoke to me about the army of rising oaks. He spoke of the component of planting seeds in good soil for deep roots to run. With the heartbeat of discipleship emerging, the roots grow deep and can't be shaken. It was a sweet time where I was assured of the word He spoke to me a month earlier of “roots to run.” “Display His Splendor” was a painting that came out of simply being in the beauty of my surroundings and communicating with the Lord. God speaks to us in such amazing ways. He is very creative in connecting the dots.

Lastly, I painted “Pouring Out,” a picture of what I saw in the Spirit over the people of Tupelo and beyond. As they unite stronger and stronger with the simple Gospel, the Holy Spirit will keep pouring out His mighty living water. It was refreshing to paint.

I am grateful for Tupelo! Humbled and thankful to be part of a small piece of a greater plan God is unfolding. Thank you Tupelo for the warm welcome and amazing time. May God continue the spark and ignite revival throughout the Church…

Thursday 15 October 2015

The Transition

The last couple of months have been a season of transition in my life. Transition = change. And through change comes process. We don’t always welcome change when it means letting go of things from the past and walking into new territory we may have no clue about. Change can be hard, but also very exciting when you know that God’s timing is always perfect and trusting Him through the process. Over a year ago, I heard God speak to me about my own life and how He is transitioning things, literally like the seasonal changes in a calendar year.
The latter part of the summer, after I came home from reviveINDIANA, I had the urge to focus on our house, re-painting, de-cluttering, cleaning and fixing up things that were neglected while I was traveling. I devoted about a month and a half to that. The Lord spoke to my heart about clearing out the junk. Making my living space more manageable for the next season. Time to clean up and clear out for a NEW SEASON. It was a ton of work, but very refreshing! I knew it was necessary as a preparation for new things to come. All part of the process.

In early September, I painted at a conference called “The Stirring” with Global Awakening. It was a pivotal weekend where I knew I would re-focus on my artwork again. Time to get back to work! It was the kick-off of another shift of transition.
When praying into what the Lord wanted me to prophetic paint, I heard Him speak clearly on the transition in the spirit. “The Transition” was painted during the first night of the conference. I saw a picture of the leaves falling as the summer turned to fall. The Lord focused my attention on capturing the moment where a leaf falls off the branch and floats gently to the ground. That time is very short. He spoke to my heart to embrace that time of transition when I feel like I’m “free floating” frustrated and impatient without knowing where I’ll land, to simply enjoy the process rather than be anxious. Time is short. It moves quicker than we think. In the midst of change, take the time to enjoy it. We do not know what will happen tomorrow. Today I am thankful for what God is showing me, where He has placed me in this moment; thankful for the mighty plans He has in the future. I choose to trust Him in the process of transition. He always has our best interest in mind as we grow and mature. We never stop that process in life, no matter what accomplishments we achieve, there is always more.
I have spent September working on commissions and compiling a lot of new ideas. This painting has inspired a whole series of new paintings I am currently working on. My goal is to have them ready before Christmas, so stay tuned. Next week I begin to travel again with Time to Revive… heading down to Tupelo, Mississippi. I am excited to see what God has in store down there.
Bless you all today. Whatever season of transition you are currently going through, trust in the Lord to bring you through with hope and joy in the anticipation of what’s to come. It’s all a process of growth and maturity for the better.
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
“Remember that I have commanded you to be determined and confident! Do not be afraid or discouraged, for I, the Lord your God, am with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
To collect a fine art print of 'The Transition' click here.